Hier präsentiere ich Berichte über Spiele, Interviews und Specials. Die aktuellsten Berichte stehen auf der Startseite, während es hier alle im Überblick gibt. Viel Spaß!
Here you can read articles about games, interviews and specials. The newest articles are to see on the main site while this page here gives you an overview for all of my articles. Have fun!


(Die jeweiligen Daten beziehen sich auf das Erscheinungsdatum des Berichts /
The dates are regarded to the release of the respective articles)

Reports / Reviews (Neuerscheinungen):

- Digger Chan (Sega Master System) (Aug. 2012)
- Pier Solar and the Great Architecs (Sega Mega Drive) (Aug. 2012)
Bread and Butter -DEUTSCH- (Sega Master System) (Sep. 2013)
- Bread and Butter -ENGLISH- (Sega Master System) (Sep. 2013)
- Porkpolis (Sega Master System) (Aug. 2014)
- Nightmare Busters (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) (Feb. 2015)
- Sacred Line Genesis (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Apr. 2015)
- Zombi Terror (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Apr. 2015)
- Dorke & Ymp (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) (Sep. 2015)
- Invasion - Collector´s Edition (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Aug. 2016)
- Papi Commando - Limited Edition (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Okt. 2016)
- Knights & Demons (Sega Mega Drive) (Feb. 2017)
- Duke Nukem -DEUTSCH- (Sega Master System) (Mär. 2017)
Duke Nukem -ENGLISH- (Sega Master System) (Mar. 2017)
L´Abbaye des Morts -DEUTSCH- (Sega Mega Drive) (Dez. 2017)
L´Abbaye des Morts -ENGLISH- (Sega Mega Drive) (Dec. 2017)

Mega Marble World (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Jul. 2018)
Tanglewood (Sega Mega Drive) (Nov. 2018)
Fork Parker´s Crunch Out (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) (Jan. 2019)

Flight of Pigarus (Sega Master System) (Apr. 2019)
Tänzer (Sega Mega Drive) (Jun. 2019)
Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (Sega Master System) (Nov. 2019)

Xeno Crisis (Sega Mega Drive) (Mär. 2020)
Heroes against Demons -DEUTSCH- (Sega Master System) (Jul. 2020)
- Heroes against Demons -ENGLISH - (Sega Master System) (Jul. 2020)
- Paprium (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Feb. 2021)
- Bara Burū (Sega Master System) (Mar. 2021)
- Voyage: A Sorceress´ Vacation (Sega Master System) (Mar. 2021)
- Jim Power: The Lost Dimension (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Jul. 2021)
- The Curse of Illmoore Bay (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Jul. 2021)
- Demons of Asteborg (Sega Mega Drive) (Jan. 2022)
- Stone Protectors (Sega Mega Drive) (Jun. 2022)
- Sacred Line II (Sega Mega Drive) (Mai 2024)
- Kudzu (Nintendo Gameboy) (Mai 2024)

Reports / Reviews (Prototypen) (Software):

- Pat Riley Basketball (Sega Master System) (Sep. 2012)
- NBA Jam (Sega Master System) (Okt. 2012)

- Dinobasher Starring Bignose the Caveman (Sega Master System) (Nov. 2012)
- Dr.Franken & Frogger (Sega Game Gear) (Feb. 2013)
- Sonic Edusoft (Sega Master System) (Aug. 2013)
- Hook (Sega Master System) (Dez. 2013)
- Lemmings 2: The Tribes (Sega Master System) (Sep. 2014)
- Bill´s Tomato Game (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis) (Okt. 2014)
- Beastball (Sega Mega Drive) (Mär.2015)
- WildSnake (Sega Game Gear) (Jul. 2015)

- Off the Wall (Sega Game Gear) (Nov. 2017)

Reports / Reviews (Prototypen) (Hardware)

- Sega Pluto (Konsole) (Apr. 2013)


- Interview with Mike Quackenbush (Pro Wrestler) (Aug. 2012)
- Interview with meu2 (Master System Expert) (Sep. 2012)
- Interview with Kanako Urai (Pro Wrestler & Video Games Expert) (Dez. 2012)

- Interview with IchigoBankai (Master System Expert) (Feb. 2013)
- Interview mit Viola Tensil (Journalistin/Moderatorin, Videospielexpertin) (Apr. 2013)
- Interview with LuFisto (Pro Wrestler) (Jul. 2015)
- Special Wrestling Interview with Diane von Hoffman (2011)
- Interview with Kenny Omega (Pro Wrestler) (Feb. 2017)

Interview mit Melanie Gray (Pro Wrestlerin) (Sep. 2018)
Interview with James Ellsworth (Pro Wrestler) (Jan. 2019)

- Interview with Spyra Andover (Former Pro Wrestler, Video Gamer & Collector) (Sep. 2023)


- Les Schtroumpfs Autour du Monde (Sega Master System) (Nov. 2012)
- Ralph reichts (Film) (Dez. 2012)
- Power Block (Sega Master System) (Mär. 2013)

- Pier Solar Strategy Guide (Buch/Spieleberater) (Dez. 2015)
- Secret of Evermore Tips & Tricks (Apr. 2016)
- Gordman´s Brief an Bud Spencer (Jun. 2016)

- Goodbye, Diane Von Hoffman! (Jul. 2017)
- An open letter to AJ Styles (Aug. 2017)
Wonder Boy: The Dragon´s Trap (Nintendo Switch) (Jul. 2018)
Thimbleweed Park (Nintendo Switch) (Aug. 2018)
Sega Master System: A Visual Compendium (Buch) (Mai 2019)

- Thoughts: Is it still worth to collect classic video games in 2022? (Aug. 2022)
Thoughts: Are the days of physical games numbered? (Jul. 2023)

